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August 31st, 2014 is International overdose day This day is all about educating people on overdose and how it can be prevented. It originated in Melbourne, Australia in 2001 and is now globally recognized. In 2013, International Overdose Awareness Day events ranged from remembrance ceremonies to community training on naloxone administration.
Overdoses happen and you must be armed with education regarding them. Stixx has saved quite a few people during his time because he was educated and he knew the signs and he knew how to react quickly to save their life. He has also been on the other side himself and has overdosed a number of times, as well as myself. Too many good people have died from overdose and many times these could of been prevented. Harm reduction does work and spreading awareness could saves many lives.
Signs and symptoms vary from drug to drug but most are the same, we will tell you about what to watch for if someone is overdosing on methadone.
Many people are reluctant to call an ambulance due to police involvement, this is a huge reason worlwide why many will not call and many overdoses could of been prevented if the fear of being arrested wasn't present. With education, policy changes and promotion of such life saving items such as, naloxone, Etc. we can hopefully save more lives.
For many educational and interesting articles from harm reduction advocate, K. Lanktree, we suggest reading, she has many great views and is also a methadone patient who knows her stuff.
We would like to share with you how to spot the signs of methadone overdose and how you can react to save lives.
Methadone overdose can occur if someone accidentitly or intentionly takes more methadone than prescribed by their doctor, or taken by someone who is not prescribed methadone. Methadone is slow acting and does not provide the user with a euphoric high, because of this lack of euphoria, a person may take more and more of it in an attempt to acheive the rush, which will lead to overdose. Often times than not, methadone is taken in combination with other drugs such as narcotics, benzodiazepines, alcohol, etc. Methadone should never be mixed with the previous mentioned, as it is fatal.
The Signs of methadone overdose include:
- Blue lips/fingernails (Not receiving enough oxygenated blood)
- Cold, clammy skin
- Weak pulse
- Newspaper colored face(Greyish) or very pale
- Extreme sedation
- Confusion/staggering/not stable on feet
- Slurred speech
- Shallow breathing(respiratory depression)
- He/she wants to go to go lay down/sleep (Fatigue)
- mucus coming out of nose and mouth
- muscle twitches
- weakness
- Nausea
- They will most likely feel very hot
How you can quickly respond to a person overdosing:
- Call 911
- You can call a poison control center near you, always have these important numbers on hand in your phone.
- A cold facecloth and cold water to splash in face
- Keep person talking/keep them aware and awake even if you have to yell
- If possible, keep them moving using their own strength providing they haven't hurt themselves, ie fall/broken bones/car accident,etc.
- If they aren’t breathing or their breathing is slow, roll them on their back, tilt their head back, remove anything they may have in their mouth, take a deep breath and blow into their mouth, 2 breaths at first and then 1 breath every 4 seconds until the paramedics get there.
- Naloxone can be administered (If you have it, which you should) it can be given in the muscle. (Arm, thigh or butt)( Intramuscular)
- It is best not to leave someone alone, but if you have to leave, leave them on their left side with their left arm and left leg out straight and right arm and leg bent, this will keep them on their side.(Recovery position)
- Do not let them try to vomit, unless told otherwise by poison control or 911
Since Methadone can affect an overdose patient’s breathing, there is a risk of brain damage to a person who is experiencing depressed respiration. Even a suspected case requires immediate medical attention to minimize the likelihood of this outcome.
You and your friends should always learn about overdose and make a plan, it could save each others lives.
If you have lost friends or family members to overdose, you can visit to post a tribute to them.
The National Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222)- All of United States
Ontario Poison Control Center (1-800-268-9017) -Ontario Only
For all provincial contact numbers in Canada visit
Too many great lives lost to overdose in the last 2 years
-R.I.P -
Sharon 31 years old
Bruce 48 years old
Pat 54 years old
Kelly 49 Years old
Dwayne 37 Years old
Phillip 38 years old
Tanya 32 years old
BoBo 53 year sold
Debbie 56 years old
Jimi 49 years old
Edgy 52 years old
Josh 24 years old
Bugsy 52 years old
Angie 43 years old